Thursday, March 15, 2007

Keep Climbing!

My sister has been getting after to me to update my blog... first I wanted to say thank-you to all who have been praying for my recovery and supporting me (and thousands of others) in raising money for MS research. I am happy to say that my health is improving and I have been feeling more sensation in my legs and feet again, PTL! I still have a ways to go for a full remission but my doctor anticipated 8-12 weeks, so I'm on my way! I am also happy to report that I am almost halfway to my goal of raising $3,ooo!..... I need to keep "climbing". I want to keep trying to reach my goal but more importantly, I feel like I also need to keep "climbing" each day to be a more "Christ-like." There are days when hiking trails are fun and enjoyable but there are also days when the trails are muddy and the hike is's so bad you want to quit. I have been asking myself lately what would Jesus do? (WWJD) I know He never quit. To be honest, hiking has never been my forte but the hikes I can remember, the reward of reaching the top was so FULFILLING! Let's keep climbing!


Amy said...

We're with you step by step!! Keep up the fight!!

Anonymous said...

I am having troubles trying to get the comments to post, so I hope this works! Anyways, Katie you are an inspiration. God gives us trails to walk and we don't always know why we are given our route....but none the less, it was given to us by God and if we choose we can keep our heads up and enjoy His beautiful creation along the way or we can walk the trail with our head down and only looking a foot or two ahead. I think your head is high and you are getting through this "muddy" section one step at a time! Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

Katie...I'm on this hike with you, and I won't stop until we've reached the top! :) Shan