Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Surprise Valentine Dinner!

Well, my husband did it again! He had me fooled! What was suppose to be a surprise for him, (going out for dinner with another couple), was a big set-up! I figured out that he must be doing something after I called the place where he said he made reservations to add two more people but was then told..."No, we don't have anyone with that name or number." So then I figured: either we're going somewhere else for dinner OR maybe he was going to make us dinner...but there was no food to be found and I still have another couple that is suppose to be going out with us! I was getting a little worried!
But sneaky, sneaky Rolf had been talking with the guys from our bible study group and came up with the plan to surprise us girls with a special "Dutch Gourmet Dinner" (mini-fry pans). It did get more complicated for Rolf because I was home all day with a sick child but in the end he still pulled it off!
All the girls were totally surprised, unfortunately we missed one couple but they were with us in spirit! A special thanks to Joanne for "being a lifesaver"...if it wasn't for her, Rolf said we would of been in trouble! So thankfully, we were able to enjoy a great dinner with lots of candles (sooooo Romantic...) and be able to share it with wonderful friends!!!! What a great memory!
Thank-you Rolf! You are my Valentine!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Way to go Rolf! Looks like a fun time was had by all!